How to Vote

Register to Vote

In Virginia

The deadline for registering to vote is Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. (Voters may register after this date, through Election Day, and vote using a provisional ballot).

Outside Virginia

Registration deadlines and processes in other states vary. A reliable resource for information about voting outside of Virginia can be found at

Vote in Person (in Virginia) on or Before Nov. 5

Polling places in Virginia will be open 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Nov. 5, 2024. Find my polling place.

Want to vote in person before Election Day?

Registered voters can vote in person early (before Nov. 5) from Sep. 20 through Nov. 2. However, early voters must go to their local registration offices, which are not as convenient as polling places. (Richmond’s is located at 2134 W. Laburnum Ave.).

You must bring an ID. Any of the following IDs will be accepted:

  • Voter confirmation documents (e.g. a registration card mailed to you)
  • Virginia driver’s license (active; not expired)
  • Virginia DMV-issued photo ID
  • Student ID issued by any community college or university located in the United States
  • Employer-issued photo ID
  • U.S. passport
  • Other U.S. or Virginia government-issued photo ID
  • Tribal enrollment or other tribal photo ID
  • Virginia Voter Photo ID card
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document containing the name and address of the voter

More options may be found on the Department of Elections' voter identification document.

Vote by Mail (Absentee Ballot)

In Virginia

If you want to vote by mail in Virginia, the deadline for an absentee ballot request is Oct. 25, 2024, at 5 p.m. 

Outside Virginia

For vote by mail rules and deadlines for all 50 U.S. states, the National Conference on State Legislatures' deadlines for absentee ballots pageView additional information from NCSL on voting outside the polling place.

If you are a registered voter who is in the military or overseas (e.g., studying abroad) during elections, you can still make your voice be heard by voting absentee by mail – physical or email! Learn more about Federal Post Card Applications.

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